Conner Stevons

Physicist | Data Scientist


Welcome to my page! I’m an electrical engineer in the Engineering Leadership Program at General Dynamics Mission Systems (GDMS). Since 2022, I have been involved in diverse projects within space systems and communications. My work includes building lab prototypes for optical quantum communications technology, measuring and enhancing the performance of Rydberg atom-based RF sensors, and developing software using Python and MATLAB for machine learning models and data analysis in space programs.

Before joining GDMS, I earned a Master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Michigan (2020-2021) and earned a Master’s degree in Physics at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (2017-2019). I’ve also held 2 internship positions with the Space Communications and Navigation program at NASA Glenn Research Center, with a focus on Quantum Communications.

Outside of my professional career, I spend most of my time further developing my skills in software and machine learning, supporting my wife as she excels through Podiatry school, or out on the roads running. Running has been a significant part of my life since 2012 and serves as both a venue for stress relief and competition. In recent years, I have focused my training on half and full marathons, including the 2024 Mesa Marathon.

Since graduating, I have developed a deep passion for machine and deep learning, both professionally and personally. I have completed the Deep Learning Specialization by DeepLearning.AI, taken machine learning courses on Coursera, and worked through lecture videos and assignments from a Computer Vision graduate course at Michigan. Additionally, I am currently enrolled in a course provided by OpenCV. These experiences complement the machine learning tasks I perform in my current role at GDMS.