
As a Graduate Teaching Assistant at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, I had the privilege of leading 10 physics laboratory courses. Here, I gained a deep appreciation for the amount of preparation involved in instructing courses, not to mention the rewarding feeling of supporting the academic aspirations of students.

As a graduate student at the University of Michigan, I was hired as a Grader for EECS 230 Electromagnetics I under Professor Somin Lee.

University of Michigan

  • Fall 2021: EECS 230 Electromagnetics I

University of Alabama in Huntsville

  • Fall 2018: PH114 General Physics Lab I (3 courses), PH110 Frontiers in Science
  • Spring 2018: PH115 General Physics Lab II (2 courses), PH114 General Physics Lab I (2 courses)
  • Fall 2017: PH114 General Physics Lab I (3 courses)